Pink Floyd - Ummagumma - Remastered - 180gramm Doppel-LP

Lieferzeit 4-8 Werktage

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Auf Vinyl !
Pink Floyd - Ummagumma - Remastered - 180gramm Doppel-LP

 Live Album    
A1 Astronomy Domine
A2 Careful With That Axe Eugene
B1 Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun
B2 A Saucerful Of Secrets
Studio Album    
Richard Wright Sysyphus    
C1.1 Part 1
C1.2 Part 2
C1.3 Part 3
C1.4 Part 4
C2 Grantchester Meadows
C3 Several Species Of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together In A Cave And Grooving With A Pict
David Gilmour The Narrow Way    
D1.1 Part 1
D1.2 Part 2
D1.3 Part 3

Nick Mason The Grand Vizier's Garden Party    
D2.1 Part 1 - Entrance
D2.2 Part 2 - Entertainment
D2.3 Part 3 - Exit

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